Contractors Marketplace
Looking to build a marketplace where homeowners and contractors can connect?
Project Management
Projects Marketplace
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Template Details

Looking to build a marketplace where homeowners and contractors can connect? Homeezy is the ultimate template for creating a platform where Homeowners publish projects, and Contractors apply, manage tasks, and handle project workflows. 

Perfect for building a marketplace SaaS, this template comes with built-in features to simplify construction project management for both parties.

Key Features:
  • Projects Marketplace:
    Contractors browse and apply for open projects.
  • Project Management:
    Contractors manage tasks, contracts, invoices, and clients in an intuitive dashboard.
  • Customizable Pipelines:
    Organize projects with a drag-and-drop kanban board.
  • Homeowner Project Portal:
    Homeowners publish projects, manage contractor applications, and track documentation.
  • SaaS-Ready:
    Subscription features pre-built for contractors to pay and access the platform.
  • Task Management:
    Simple to-do list format with task statuses (Open, In Progress, Completed).
  • Contractor Profile Management:
    Contractors can showcase past projects and manage their company profile.
Why Homeezy?

Homeezy is designed for those looking to launch a construction marketplace, but it’s also customizable for other service-based industries. While easy to use for end users, this template requires advanced knowledge to implement and customize. Homeezy gives you the tools to get started with minimal setup, but its flexible design allows for full customization to fit your brand and business model.

  • This template requires further development for fully implementing the subscription feature.
  • It is an older template from Scaling Process, so branding and element customization will take time.

For detailed instructions on setting up and customizing the template, please book a call with us here or reach us at

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Still have questions?

Here are the FAQs

Hiring full-time can be costly and less flexible. Our team offers a wide range of expertise on-demand, scaling with your project needs cost-effectively.

There's no cap on project requests. Our subscription allows you to submit as many as you need, tackling them one by one for quality focus.

We deliver swiftly without sacrificing quality, ensuring timely progress on your projects.

A skilled team of no-code developers and creatives with a track record of quality will handle your projects

Absolutely. Pause anytime and resume whenever you're ready, picking up right from where you left off.

We utilize top no-code platforms and design tools, offering a broad range of services efficiently and effectively.

We’re committed to your satisfaction. If the first draft isn't spot-on, we revise it until it meets your expectations.

Our expertise shines in no-code development, design, and content. That's where we make the biggest impact.

Single projects or multiple, our service is designed to cater to both equally well.

Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you're not happy, we'll do what it takes to make it right, including revisions, new strategies, or discussing refund options if needed.